How to wear : Tribal prints

one super popular print that has made its way to the fashion runways is the ‘tribal and aztec print’. It is very a colorful mix and match of tribal designs and geometric patterns, which is why it looks good on t-shirts, tops, skirts, shorts and even trendy accessories.

Tribal and aztec prints are really hard to style. Pairing them with the right outfit is necessary or you might end up looking like a tribal painting gone wrong. From accessories to stylish dresses to sweaters to tights, this trend is everywhere. 
This trend is here to stay , it was super in vogue in summer and suprise suprise you can also wear it for fall or wintef , with leggings tribal prints or sweaters , it's better to wear the print alone if it's with bright colours like pink or purple .
The best way to carry off the tribal prints trend is by pairing it with bold colors. If your skirt is printed, pair it with a bold colored top or wear a bright colored scarf to add some dimension to your look. Blazers and jackets in bold colors add that bit of jazz to the funky look.
Pair bold tribal prints with different textures like chiffon, leather and suede. You'll look effortlessly chic .
The prints are bold so keeping the accessorize to a minimum would be a better choice. Look out for subtle colors from the prints and then try to match the accessories to those colors.


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